Blog - Barbara Levine
10 Funny and Strange Vintage Christmas Photos!

Nothing says Merry Christmas like vintage holiday photos and the stranger the better! Here are a few gems from the collection. Enjoy!circa 1950. Small tree, big hands and Santa mask!c.1980. Merry Christmas Honey!1939 Office Christmas Party!Matching holiday dresses, 1962.1959. Will feel trapped by Christmas forever.1976. Macrame! I love it!Stuffed animal and guns,c.1960.I don't think I want to go to their house!HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!All photos from collection of Barbara Levine/ Read more 1 comment Barbara Levine, vintage Christmas photos
Holidays Blues? Turn to Psychoanalysis!

Collection of Barbara Levine/ Psychoanalysis was published by E.C. Comics (also published MAD Magazine) in 1955. The comic featured three patients, Freddy Carter, Ellen Lyman and Mark Stone who were undergoing psychoanalysis. The analyst was the central character and only referred to as 'The Psychiatrist'. According to the editors, "This magazine is our most difficult and revolutionary creative effort thus far. Through the medium of the comic format, we will attempt to portray, graphically and dramatically, the manner in which people find peace of mind through the science of psychoanalysis." The comic was approved by the Comics Code Authority but newstands did not want to display it and the publication only lasted for a total of four issues (too bad, we could all use more... Read more Barbara Levine, comics, Psychoanalysis Comic Book
Finger in Your Eye

all photos: Collection of Barbara Levine/ We have all done it - sometime between pressing down the shutter and its closure, our finger(s) slip into the frame resulting in a picture featuring a giant phantom shape (sometimes with manicured nail) hovering over a car or building or appearing to touch the subjects in the photo. This 'accident' is especially evident in vintage snapshots when people were still getting used to cameras and before you could see what your picture would look like before you snapped it. The ‘finger in your eye’ accident (my term of endearment for these snapshots) becomes the subject of the photograph. Because the fingertip(s) shown in the photo is the photographer’s, we become aware viscerally... Read more 2 comments Barbara Levine, vintage snapshots
Zoe Zobedia, The Moss-Haired Girl

from Sideshow Stars Collection, Among the attractions of early 19th century American carnivals, sideshows and circuses were the so-called “Circassian Beauties,” women with extravagantly fine or mossy hair who supposedly descended from the “purest” peoples of Eurasia’s Caucasus mountains, in the little-known region of Circassia. In fact, many of these beauties were American girls who cleverly teased out and stiffened their hair and adopted exotic names invariably beginning with “Z” – Zalumma, Zribeda, Zoledod, Zeleke. Pictured here is one of P. T. Barnum’s Circassian harem, Zoe Zobedia, a moss-haired and snake charmer! Limited edition print available exclusively on Read more Barbara Levine, Circassian Women, Circus, Freaks, Sideshow Stars, Zoe Zobedia
13 Vintage Photos of Scary Halloween Masks

Photo, circa 1940s. Any guesses what they are dressed up as? Masks are great! Circa 1930s. Love the Pumpkin head mask! c. 1960s. Mickey Mouse with a Skull mask and is that a Bat girl with a Cinderella mask?! Creepy Cute! Circa 1920. Spooky masks! Amish Halloween?! Crazy animal mask! Circa 1910. These are very strange masks! This color photo from PROJECT B's rare originals store: 1970s Devil Dude in a witch mask - crazy! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! via Weird Tales, "Halloween was so much weirder back then: Creepy and Disturbing Halloween Photos" Note: there were no credit lines in originating blog post so if any of the originals belong to your collection please let me know! Read more Barbara Levine, Halloween, vintage Halloween photos « Newer articles 1 2 3 4 5 … 9 Older articles »